Sheild Your Enterprise Email Threat Landscape
With Mimecast Next-Gen Email Cloud Services For Security & Archival.
With Mimecast Next-Gen Email Cloud Services For Security & Archival.
The email threat landscape has become more threatening with time. Organizations need to adopt a stronger, pervasive discipline to protect from advance email threats- that is ever-evolving in nature.
From known spam, viruses, malware protection to advance unknown adversaries and targeted protection for Data, Employees, and Web on one Integrated Cloud Platform, a robust platform that can deliver a secure email environment protecting comprehensively. Mimecast provides integrated email security cloud service to respond to and to protect from security challenges. Mimecast uses pervasive discipline across three distinct zones protecting the IT landscape from three different viewpoints – At your email perimeter, inside your network & organizations, and beyond your perimeter.
Combined with Mimecast Teksalah’s Cyber resilience solutions provides email cloud services for security, archiving, and continuity. Protect your email system without compromise!
A Platform To Reduce Security Risks Due To Human Error
A Threat Detection Tool To Respond To Cyber Attacks Confidently
A Protection Against Malicious Activity Initiated By The User Action Or Malware
Email Security With Targeted Threat Protection
Threat Intelligence
DMARC Analyzer
Brand Exploit Protect
Awareness Training
Cloud Archive
Email Continuity
Information Protection
Web Security